I’m not sure where the time has gone.  One minute I’m relaxing and the next thing I know is that Summer is half over.  It’s not that I’ve been lazy as my energy has been geared more toward my activities with The Overtime Page and on my day job…  it’s just at the end of the day my creative energy seems sapped.  I’m going to have to do something about that, starting with a project I’ve been reworking using some new technique I learned about a month ago.  I’ll have that up in a few days as it is currently a work in progress.

As a quick update, I didn’t do as well this semester in the grading department as I would have liked.  I received a B- in Color Theory, an A- in Primitive Photography, and an A in Art History Critical Theory, which finished me out with term GPA of 3.447 and a cumulative GPA of 3.668 (through 2 semesters).  While that can hardly be considered a bad GPA, I would like it to be better.  Obviously the Color Theory grade was the biggest factor in straddling the A-/B+ realm.  That class was something else (long story) and I’m glad to be done with it.  I’ve promised myself that I won’t be taking any more “3rd Floor” courses (the 3rd floor is mostly reserved for the Graphic Arts program at UH), but of course we never know what opportunities may present themselves, so onward I push.  Next semester I’m going to be taking Traditional Photography (formerly known as Intermediate Photography), which is a film based course, The Aesthetics of Faith (which sounds really cool as it will be taking some Critical Theory and applying it to original creations), and Video Art (a requirement of the Photography/Digital Media program at UH).  I’m going to be a busy little bee come the end of August.

At this point I really don’t have much more to say.  I’m coming out of my creative slump so expect a lot more soon.  Have a good night, everyone, and keep tuned for updates on events as they happen.  As for now, I’ll leave you with a signature creation from this past semester.  This is a Van Dyke print of my Facebook profile photo.  I hope you enjoy.  Good night.

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