Work continues apace on the Digital Art project.  I’m finding this experience frustrating as hell, but rewarding all the same.  I have the final planned element in place.  At this point, however, it’s going to be a matter of executing the steps to make it match my vision for the project.  I believe tomorrow is more lab time in the class (as the projects are due on 31 March 2011) so I will be able to consult my professor for any advice on muddling through this difficult part.  Wish me luck on that.

Tomorrow I’ll be speaking with an advisor on assessing my academic status as well as trying to craft a plan to get into the University of Houston’s Bachelor’s of Fine Arts program.  I’m quite certain I’ve completed the requirements for an AAS Management degree.  I say that because as of a couple years ago I had.  I, however, never applied for graduation so therefore I can’t guarantee the program catalog for that degree is still valid.  I was going to attempt to enter the Physical Therapist Assistant program, but after 3 classes (all pre-requisites, so no guarantees I would get in anyway as I don’t think my A&P grades would have been up to snuff) I decided that it just wasn’t for me.  Photography is calling me and that is where I want to concentrate my life’s work.  But I digress…

Speaking of school, this is gearing up to be a heck of a final exam season.  Coming up I have, aside from 2 more major Digital Art projects, a presentation, an audio tour (with accompanying research paper), a major research project for English (with its own 30 minute presentation), 2 more exams, and final exams in all 3 classes.  Of course, I have to find time to work and do all the other living stuff.  I’m just wondering how I’m going to get through this at the BFA level hehe.  This definitely isn’t proving to be one of my more fun semesters, but I’ll get through it.  As they say, sleep is overrated…

And with that, it’s nearly 1 am here in Houston, TX, so now I will try to go grab some of that fabled sleep and get my butt up on time for Digital Art class in the morning.  Goodnight, everyone.