Richard Custer


Stieglitz famously said that he started to photograph the clouds in order to understand what he had learned in 40 years of photography.   In my own case, I am photographing clouds in order to understand what I have learned in 40 years of life and what awaits me on the journey through the next 40 years.


We all walk our own path.  While others may walk alongside, everyone’s path is different.  The clouds in the sky offer a simple way one can reflect on their own life’s journey.  When looking up, each person is invited to bring his or her own experience to what they see, without fear of judgment, and know that no matter what, the answer to their question is always correct.  It serves to help us reflect and help guide us on the next steps to take on our individual journeys through life.


The photographs offered in this series are printed small and window-matted in order to allow the viewer an intimacy with what they are seeing in a way that, just like being outside and staring at the clouds, also allows for the privacy of the reflection.